Humans make sense of the world through stories, it is storytelling that first put a camera in my hands, sending me out to work and all the way to London.
Our (so far) inadequate response to the climate crisis has been (in part) a failure of storytelling. As time shortens, I have hung up the camera to put my efforts towards the community level storytelling we need, to inspire the curiosity, creativity, courage and collective power required of us in this species defining moment.
With support from the Transition Network‘s Bounce Forward initiative and the Lotteries Community Fund, I am building a mobile, pop-up space for learning, dreaming and connection, that invites us to imagine and create the beautiful, equitable, regenerative, fossil-free future that is possible.

Ren ~ (neo-Confucian) The sense of love arising out of an embodied realization of one’s intrinsic connectedness with all other beings in the universe.
Jeremy Lent – The Patterning Instinct
Maybe you came to this website looking for a photographer, or my old portfolios! If you are looking for an activist/social justice/reportage photographer, check out my buddy Kristian Buus. For beautiful weddings, portraits and commercial photography, say hello to another great friend, Anne Schwartz.
For posterity’s sake, below is a collection of my previous work, including a link to the images that I still get asked about now and then. I’ve kept a few old blog posts up, and may add to the blog now and then, who knows, maybe sharing the journey of a mid-life career transition might be useful to someone. I’ve switched off comments and deleted the contact form, if you need to reach me you can do so through the hubRen website.